Sunday, July 21, 2019

Module 9: Establishing Mastery of Standards

To develop a summative assessment that measures the standard, go through the process you used to design your instruction.



Keep your eyes open for your PGP certificate to arrive in your email!  
I hope you have an amazing start to your new school year!

Video Resources: 

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Module 8: Creating Meaningful Learning Experiences

Module 8: Creating Meaningful Learning Experiences
Pages 87-104

                  4 Access Points

            1. Modeling of critical thinking
            2. Guided instruction
            3. Collaborative learning
            4. Independent learning

Teacher Modeling & Think Aloud

“Thinking is invisible, so teachers have to talk about their thinking.”

 Guided Instruction

  Collaborative Learning

       Collaborative Learning Resources: Engagement Strategies

Independent Learning

Share a "light bulb moment",an "aha", from this module!  

Video Resources:
Video 8.1 Module 8 Overview
Video 8.2 Module 8 in Action—Elementary
Video 8.3 Module in Action—Secondary

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Module 7: Designing Assessment Opportunities

Module 7: Designing Assessment
Pages 69-86

Checking For Understanding Using Formative Evaluation

[Used Formatively or Summatively]
- What you do with this assessment is what's important!
- These assessments help teachers know what is working and what isn't as they look at student progress.
- Gathering and analyzing data to show what students know and do not know is important to show the overall trajectory of the scholars' learning experience.

Checking For Understanding Through Dialogue Instruction

Discussion Techniques that should become a habit:
Revoice Student Comments. Emphasize key points. Give time to think. Turn questions back to class. Ask for evidence. 

Ideas For Dialogue Instruction: 

"In dialogue, individuals gain insights that simply could not be achieved individually." -Peter Senge


Checking For Understanding Through Writing

 Writing opportunities during the lesson help teachers gauge student thinking while checking for understand.

-Admit Slips
-Crystal Ball
-Yesterday's News (Summary)
-Self-assessment Exit Slip


Checking For Understanding With Formative Practice Testing

-Short Quizzes
-Not part of scholars' grades
-Identifies learning gaps
-Paper/Pencil, online, orally, audience response, discussion (Kahoot, Quizlet, Quizizz)

FEEDBACK is critical for scholars. Checking for understanding should happen in EVERY lesson. This information should be used to adjust the next lesson according to scholar needs.



Video Resources:
Module 7 Overview
Video 7.2 Module 7 in Action—Elementary
Video 7.3 Module 7 in Action—Secondary

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Module 5: Modifying Learning Intentions to Include Language Expectations & Module 6: Determining the Relevance of the Learning

Modifying Learning Intentions to Include Language Expectations 
Module 5: Modifying Learning Intentions to Include Language Expectations- Pages 41-52

“Learning intentions are further enhanced when the language expectations for the lesson are included.”

To develop language expectations of the daily learning intention, consider the three possible language requirements:
            ·        Vocabulary
            ·        Language Structure

            ·        Language Function


Adding the language piece to your learning intentions helps scholars understand how they will use spoken and written language to learn and demonstrate mastery of the content.


Determining the Relevance of the Learning

Module 6: Determining the Relevance of the Learning- Pages 53-68

Relevancy = Motivation
Determining the relevancy of the learning is crucial for scholar success. Before learning takes place, scholars want to know..
WHAT am I learning?
WHY am I learning this?
HOW am I learning it?
HOW can it be used?
WHAT makes me curious?
WHAT’S the value?

Relevancy addresses the motivation to learn. All learners need to have insight into WHY they are learning something.

1. What am I learning today? LEARNING INTENTION
2. Why am I learning this? *LEARNING RELEVANCY*
     3. How will I know that I learned it? SUCCESS CRITERIA

Sometimes finding the relevancy of school-based knowledge can be challenging. It can be a struggle to frame the relevancy of the content if the focus is a far-off aspiration in the distance. Relevancy needs to be CLOSER to HOME. Relevancy deepens learning as scholars make connections to larger concepts.
What -> How -> When ->

3 Ways to make learning relevant
·        How the information can be used outside the walls of the classroom
·        Involve students directly
·        Note the value of the lesson in becoming an educated member of the community
Resources: Making Math Relevant   Making ELA Relevant


1. Share with your colleagues creative ways you make learning relevant to your students. Bonus if you can give specific examples! :) 
2. Comment on another colleagues post! 

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Module 4: Crafting Success Criteria

Crafting Success Criteria
Module 4: Crafting Success Criteria- Pages 29-40

Importance of success criteria

·       Success criteria provide a means for students and the teacher to gauge progress toward learning
·       Success criteria make learning visible to the teacher and the student
·       Success criteria lets students know what the destination looks like
·       Success criteria provide a map for how students 
will get to their destination
·       Success criteria empower learners to assess their own progress

What might success criteria look like?

Success Criteria Ideas & Resources


Checkout These Resources for Success Criteria:


 Reflection Time! Choose two of the following reflections from this module and share your connections or thoughts! 

~How do you define success and the appropriate level of learning for students?

~How will we respond if students meet the success criteria in advance of our teaching? 

~Success criteria empower learners to assess their own progress and not to be solely dependent on an outside agent (their teacher) to notice when they have arrived.

~Success criteria have been shown to increase students internal motivation. 

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Module 3: Elaborating Learning Intentions

Elaborating Learning Intentions
Module 3: Elaborating Learning Intentions- Pages 19-28

Visible. Specific. Student Friendly.

As adults, we want to know what we will be learning. Whether it is in a professional development course, a staff meeting, or team collaboration, we all want to know what is expected of us and what we will be addressing or learning. It is important that our scholars know what they will be learning so that they can be more successful in the classroom!

  • A daily statement of what a student is expected to learn in a given lesson- is a learning intention.

  • Learning intentions can focus on knowledge, skills, or concepts.

  • Start with Standard -> Identify Content and Skills -> Identify Learning Progressions -> Breakdown Learning Progression into Lesson-sized Chunks -> Make Chunked Phrases Student Friendly 

Module 3 Key Points

Ideas for making learning intentions visible for students

*Share how you have already used learning intentions in your classroom. (How do you address them in lessons? How are they displayed in your classroom? Share an example of your visible displays if you would like.)
+ Share how you will address learning intentions differently going forward. (Have you learned something new from this module that will challenge you to focus on learning intentions differently next year?)
? Share any questions or concerns you have from this module. 

Video Resources: