Sunday, July 21, 2019

Module 9: Establishing Mastery of Standards

To develop a summative assessment that measures the standard, go through the process you used to design your instruction.



Keep your eyes open for your PGP certificate to arrive in your email!  
I hope you have an amazing start to your new school year!

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  1. Tamekia West, Oak Park ElementaryJuly 21, 2019 at 9:58 AM

    This book has changed my thinking and ways to implement strategies because I now understand that learning targets don't always have to be presented at the beginning of a lesson and students will go through a series of steps to reach their learning goals. By using think-alouds, presenting different strategies for them to use and giving students an opportunity to collaborate it will make learning much more meaningful. I plan to continue to using portfolios this year as one way to assess and move away from using sticky notes as an end assessment so much.

    I'm really looking forward to listening to them more during discussion and collaboration time as a way to drive my instruction. I like that the author has shown a variety of ways and strategies (answering guided questions. projects, independent work) that students can use to reach their expectations.
    Tamekia West, Oak Park Elementary

    1. Reading this book has brought so much to the surface of both things that are being done well and ways to improve. Like you I am going to spend more time listening to their discussions. I plan to expand collaboration more intentionally to see where they take the topics and where I can offer some guidance. I am glad you were part of this learning group, I have learned a lot from reading your postings. Maybe this year, I can spend some time planning with you to help continue to build my understanding of creative ways to reach the students.

    2. Hi Tamekia,

      I enjoyed reading your reflection on this book and your ideas for next year. I also would like to use portfolios in my classroom as a way to assess student progress. I have first grade students and I know I would definitely have to teach them how to choose items for their portfolio. however I believe that once they are taught how to organize their portfolio, they will really enjoy having one.

  2. I am truly grateful for this PLC as I learned a lot of creative ways to become a better educator. I understand the importance of explaining my thinking so that students are not merely relying on me for the answers but instead they know how to come to their own understanding of what they are learning.

    As the text stated, "it is unacceptable to blame students for not learning", as an educator that has the tools, experience, and training, it is my responsibility to present information and allow students to practice so that they can master their learning.

    Learning progressions must be intentionally planned for "daily" statements of purpose. Although some of my students may need longer periods of time to master the content, each day should have a planned learning progression, even if it has to be broken into smaller access points of a larger standard.

    Students should be able to understand why they are learning what they are learning and be afforded the opportunity to discuss it's relevance. They must be given sufficient independent practice in order for them to grapple with the material. My value as a teacher is not rolled up into my own credentials, but instead in the amount of learning the students are experiencing.

    It is important to identify the nouns and verbs featured in the standard. This both makes planning for the appropriate outcomes and not diving beyond for those who are struggling to learn the basics. Diving beyond can be reserved for those who are excelling but should not burden those who are not quite ready for it.

    Revisiting learning intentions keeps the topics fresh as well and demonstrates to the students the "progressions" they are making. If the assessments do not match the vocabulary they have been learning or the learning progressions taught, when students fail, it is more indicative of my failure than theirs. Yet, for them it also may feel like the carpet has been pulled from underneath them and all the trust that was build has been demolished.

    Most importantly, I must reflect on what I am hearing during the lessons as this should plan future lessons to ensure students can be successful. If I do not take time to listen to the student's learning, I will merely plan lessons as a checklist of things to accomplish instead of a road map that leads them to mastery of standards.

    I am truly grateful for those of you that took the time to participate as each of you has contributed to me become a better educator. Thanks so much!

  3. Tamekia West, Oak Park ElementaryJuly 22, 2019 at 4:54 AM

    I loved reading your insight about the importance of students being accountable for their learning and we as teachers should be there to "facilitate". I often find it difficult to step back and let them explore and progress through the learning stages. I totally agree that our value as teachers is the "amount of learning the students are experiencing" and this won't happen unless we let go and afford them the opportunity to make mistakes, have misconceptions and make learning adjustments as needed. We never know how they will arrive at their learning goal. It may come through the teacher, collaboration with peers, or during independent practice.

    I look forward to working more closely with you next year and sharing strategies that we find to be effective!
    Tamekia West, Oak Park Elementary

    1. Hi Tameka,
      Your comments regarding student learning is so important because you do focus on teacher responsibility. I agree that we must put forth every opportunity for their understanding and progress.
      The learning intentions jump out at me as one of the vital steps. I definitely will be putting more focus and work into a good strategy to insure students grasp the lesson before I move on. Also, I am so looking forward to collaborating with fellow teachers on best practices in the classroom.

    2. I agree, Ms. West. Earlier I was writing to Ms. Overstreet and telling her how much I look forward to sharing ideas with her. I look forward to collaborating with her about the ideas that she learned from the literacy trainings about checks for student understanding.

      Joanne Mathers
      Oak Park Elementary School

  4. Stacey,
    I so agree with your practice that, "...each day should have a planned learning progression, even if it has to be broken into smaller access points of a larger standard.", because (as you stated) we need to "take time to listen to the student's learning..." to assess and "plan lessons as a checklist of things to accomplish"... but I do believe we must have a comprehensive road map/scope and sequence that will help them master the standards to become prepared for the next level.

  5. This book has reminded me to clearly identify each progressive step to reach the learning goals.
    One of the strategies I will be using is encouraging my scholars to verbalize the learning intentions by posting as a reminder: “An artist or good art student can…” and under the success criteria write clear and specific goals broken down into descriptive “I can statements” with the scholars help before, during, and after the lessons… to better assess the scholars understanding. Project assessments, journal/sketchbook assessments, and art studio behavior assessments will be continued to be used and improved upon to help scholars meet the state and national goals & outcomes.

    1. Hey Janine,

      I love how you are going to incorporate the verbal learning intentions. It will really express to you how they are understanding the skills, and it will help them learn the skill better. There are so many ways to assess how your students are doing, and I think you understand that! Good luck this year!

    2. Janine

      I too plan to use the "I can statements" as they will build immediate success for students to recognize what they can do instead of focusing on what they cannot.

      As you also states it allows us to better assess the scholars understanding. Once we understand their thinking we can either expand upon it or redirect it, but in either instance we can identify what needs to happen.

  6. This book has reiterated how important the different types of assessments there are. Each assessment has such an important part in understanding our student's understanding of the skills. Also, I think that I will try to incorporate "I Can" statements into my lessons more. It is so important for my students to understand why we are learning what we are learning. My students will understand why it's important for them to learn for a future job or classes.
    I can't wait to incorporate the skills I learned from this book in my class and be able to use the data from those assessments to better help my students.

    1. Hi Paige,

      I also agree with you that this book really helped emphasize the importance of the different types of assessments. I liked how this book taught us about sentence stems and how they can be used across grade levels in order to help students form opinions and have more confidence in speaking out loud. I know from experience with my students who were all English language learners, that having those sentence stems really helps them gain confidence and build up those verbal skills.

    2. Tamekia West, Oak Park ElementaryJuly 22, 2019 at 3:04 PM

      I too am looking forward to teaching students why its important what they are learning. I think this will create more engaged and interested students and their motivation to learn.
      Tamekia West, Oak Park Elementary


  7. I have gained a lot of great ideas and insight in reading this book. Not only did it teach my new things, it also helped to refresh my memory on things I had learned already. I felt that having weekly chapters to read along with having to practice in the modules really helped me fend off the summer fog. Each module stood out to me in a different way. However the concept that I am taking away most from this book is making the verbiage of the objectives intentional and concise in order to help students better understand what is expected of them. As I reflected on my own teaching practices and how I would word objectives, I realized that I needed to be more explicit in how I worded my learning intentions.

    The main concept that I plan to implement in my classroom is the use of explicit learning intentions. I also plan to use this book as I lesson plan in order to help me pick the verbs and nouns out of the standard to help get me started. I am confident that once I get into this habit, it will become easier and easier. I believe that if I start writing learning intentions or objectives with this in mind, my students will find it easier to understand. I also believe that students like to know what is coming, therefore, if I stick to the same format in how I write my objectives I feel as though students will benefit from this.

    I have really enjoyed this book club and all that I have learned. Best of luck to everyone in the coming school year!

    Hayley Long
    PLA Jones-Clark

    1. Hayley, I too agree with you, that this book is a great model to use when planning lessons. The format allows you to stay on track and ensures you have all important concepts addressed. In addition, picking the verbs and nouns really helps to break down the standards.
      Heather Griffin @ Sheehy

    2. I agree as well that is is a great resource when lesson planning. I plan to share this book with co-workers as well. There are so many great tools, resources and strategies to be shared form this book.

      Charlene Long-Trix Academy.

  8. In reflecting upon what was learned these past weeks I appreciated most reviewing the fact that the ingredients need to be reviewed before the cake is baked. Understanding and practicing how to unpack standards and delved into learning intentions in order to facilitate student learning slowed me down and this action highlighted the mandate that intentionality in each step of the process is crucial. In returning to the classroom I am able to be intention by the ability to share with students what they need to learn, how they will learn it, and how they will show that gain. Moreover, by working with others in our grade level teams thsi process will be enhanced as other teammates have taken this course and share a similar orientation now.

    Thank you for this opportunity.

    Marsha Leibson - Foster Elementary

    1. I love how you refer to teaching as reviewing the ingredients before the cake is baked! I totally agree with you on this. I find it difficult at times to truly teach the standards given to my scholars in a way that is engaging and appropriate for the standard. My goal for this school year is to get creative with the standards in my classroom!

      Brianna Cosgrove
      George and Veronica Phalen Leadership Academy

    2. What a great analogy: the ingredients, the cake. just Beautiful! I hope that you have a wonderful school year!

      Joanne Mathers
      Oak Park Elementary School

  9. Module}9

    In standards for K-2 dealing with Reading Comprehension there could be a need for formative and summative assessments. I really like the way Journeys break up lessons for each chapter story. If I teach each section separately kiddos have more time to learn a specific standard. When it is time to check for understanding, I could do formative assessments. One quiz for vocabulary;comprehension;words to know;spellng. And, at the end of the chapter I would put together a summative assessment.
    Included will be questions on the standards for each section that I actually had as a learning intention.

    The formats for K-2 assessments should be simple. Multiple choice, true/false, and matching works well for scholars; as well as allowing a verbal answer/discussion. I think it's important to do a relevancy check when creating the questions. Need to make sure to include only content that I taught during the lessons. When grading the assessment if there is a question that all of the scholars got wrong. Possibly info I inadvertently did not yet teach.


  10. I have learned so much through this summer's book club! I have enjoyed reading the chapters of this book, but even more so I have enjoyed reading the comments on these posts relating to the tasks given. I find that I can learn so much from colleagues that have gone through similar situations to my own. This school year I would really like to focus on getting scholars more engaged in lessons and breaking down the standards. I want my scholars to be able to describe standards laid out to them and transfer that into their success. Although my scholars do not participate in state testing, this is the time to get them prepared to complete assessments as important as such! I will aim to have all my scholars achieve success, whatever this may be for each of them.

    Brianna Cosgrove
    George and Veronica Phalen Leadership Academy

    1. I agree that I learn so very much from my colleagues and what they share about their own experiences. I also want to work this school year on student engagement. I hope that you have a wonderful school year!

      Joanne Mathers
      Oak Park Elementary School

  11. It has truly been an honor to participate in the book club this summer. I have gained a lot of information that can be used to not only help our scholars as we embark upon a new year, but the teachers as well through effective coaching. I have thoroughly enjoyed the reading and the collaboration of the posts in the blog. It has been an enjoyable summer!
    I am looking forward to an outstanding year!

  12. It was wonderful to collaborate with everyone this summer. I learned so much from reading others' reflections, ideas, and new learning.

    What am I going to take away? I love the texts' use of the term "learning intentions." My school has been backwards planning, and studying the nouns and verbs in standards. I see how very important this process is to make sure that I understand the standard and what the student should be learning. I will model the why of the think aloud. My prediction is ____________ because the author said ____________. I will work to improve my I can statements so that students know what they should be learning. I will work to better model and explain the steps: we are working on this so that in the future we will do this. I will continue to work on my delivery of exit tickets. I will continue to work on creating rubrics and checklists so that students can reflect on their own learning.

    I appreciate this book study so very much. I enjoyed this opportunity. Thank you!

    Joanne Mathers
    Oak Park Elementary School

    1. Tamekia West, Oak Park ElementaryJuly 23, 2019 at 4:31 AM

      I plan to use more rubrics as well. I think this would help to keep students on track and moving towards a goal. They will know what is expected of them and exactly where they are in the process by giving them a rubric to use (especially with new concepts).
      Tamekia West, Oak Park Elementary

    2. I am so looking forward to continuing to learn from you this upcoming year. Rubrics helped so much this year for various projects and assignments. One thing I added due to the varying abilities of my students, was questions that every student would need to answer in their method of communication independently. It really helped the students prepare and parents understand their abilities when they realized they had to think like their students.

      They struggled and were better able to understand the level of frustration at times their students must feel when they are unable to communicate independently. The projects and assignments challenged parents to realize that they will need to refrain from over supporting their students if they want them to truly become independently successful.

  13. Happy Summer everyone! One of the most important items I took from this book study is relevancy and the importance of discussing this with our students. Students need to understand the relevancy outside of the classroom and learning about oneself as a learner. Ultimately this will increase students understanding and achievement. Another item I am taking away from this study is providing varying assessment types: portfolios, projects, interviews, essays, tests, and presentations. I would like to provide students with more choices on completing summative assessments.
    Heather Griffin @ Sheehy

    1. It is so important that students relate what they are learning in the classroom to their lives. It's great that you are going to help your students to see how they can implement what they have learned in their own lives.

      Rosemary Graf
      Foster Elementary

  14. This book will stay in my personal library for years to come. It is such a wealth of information. I truly feel like the module on breaking down the standards will be my best tool moving into this school year. I am excited to use the information that I have gathered and bring it to my team at GVP this year! Have a great year!

    Zach Brubaker
    GVP - 5th Grade

    1. Hi Zach -
      I too will keep this book in my library! I also think it will be the best book to reflect on when we as Teachers are struggling. It will bring out the best in our group meetings and help us provide great teaching tools for our students!

      Marty Castellon - Trix Academy - K-8

    2. Zach,
      I agree wholeheartedly! This book is something I will reference for a long time!

      Briana Porter
      PLA@Jones-Clark Elementary

  15. This book has helped me not only reflect on how I teach from day to day, but it also has helped me justify the way I have been teaching throughout the years.
    I have never been a "Roll out the ball" kinda of teacher in the gym because I feel that there is so much more to "P.E" & "Health" then what people think.
    In my class, I know my students are learning a sport, a skill, the right way.
    They are sport games that they can carry with them throughout their life.
    Something they can use to better themselves when they get older - as I always say to my classes - "This will carry you through Life".
    "Being healthy, or living a healthy lifestyle is a choice" Try and give yourself a chance - Its fun!!!
    I try to put meaning behind my teaching, it show them that I care about there well-being. Im honest with my students and they know it.
    My students know that I love my job, and that I am very passion it about it. They know that there will be "Summative" tests at the end of units, along with some daily "Formative" assessments depending on the unit we are on for that week or day. They are ready to impress to matter what and they have fun with it!!
    I really enjoyed this book, because it made me realize what I can change to be a better teacher, and what I was already doing correctly.
    I believe when it comes to teaching, every student learns differently, has different motor skills, abilities and so on, and it is up to us to bring out the best in the student to make them feel confident in their ability to achieve. Not only the skill but to reach higher.
    I am looking forward to a great school year and I thank everyone that was involved that made this "Book Club" a success.
    I enjoyed learning from others and getting pointers on what other teachers do!
    I too will keep this book and use it as a reflection to keep me on the right track for success!!

    Marty Castellon
    Trix Academy - K-8

  16. Hope Barker PLA@SmithJuly 24, 2019 at 10:41 AM

    I've had the pleasure to work with and under the leadership of great Admin and I have had some amazing colleagues as well. We all value the input we have in the lives of our scholars. Outside of my campus, the book club was an excellent source of reference. To read all of the feedback from those that truly value education and the impact we have in the lives of our future. It is a beautiful thing. I can't wait to begin the 2019-2020 school year with mounds of new ideas.

  17. Tamon Williams / FosterJuly 24, 2019 at 11:56 AM

    I went to a training and received this book as a resource, but hadn't gotten all the way through it. It is a gem. I'm thankful to have done this book study because I now know the tools this book offers. I loved this last video on summative assessments. It set the stage for the content areas and testing, and the different ways for students to show their knowledge. Its inspiring me to become more project-based. Especially if we'll be 1-to-1 devices in 3rd grade this year. I am so excited for this school year!


  18. It was wonderful to collaborate with everyone this summer! It's hard to believe that we are finished with the book! I have learned so much with this book and look forward to implementing things i've learned into my day! Thank you everyone for your feedback and insights to this learning adventure! :)

    Briana Porter
    PLA@Jones-Clark Elementary

  19. I have really enjoyed this summer book club. Personally, this book has made me dig deep about my philosophy for learning. It has helped me reflect upon my teaching abilities and ways to correct, adjust and learn from previous years. I have really enjoyed this book and my favorite chapter or module would be 6- determining the Relevance of the learning. It was really eye opening for the vocabulary I use to teach, the way I model and what materials I could use. Thank you everyone for your feedback and good luck in the 2019/2020 school year!

    Alexa Stewart pla 103

    1. I agree with you. This book has made me really reflect on myself and how I can improve my skills in order to help my scholars be successful.

  20. Everything that I teach and students learn is relevant. As a teacher I must rexxamine and reflect what I do to encourage kids to progress learning. I enjoyed the positive feedback from from everyone, I even gained some new friends!
    Libby Taylor PLA@Jones-Clark Elementary

    1. I love that you said as a teacher you must rexamine and reflect. As teachers we are always learning and growing. I have seen many people unwilling to change and grow because they are stuck in their ways. I love how everyone in this group has been so open to change and new ideas.

      Charlene Long-Trix Academy

  21. I feel that this book has kept me thinking about school this whole summer and how I can become a better teacher. Some of the strategies in the book I have already started to implement in my classroom such as the learning intentions, modeling, assessments and more. I love that this book gave me more ideas on how to make everything I do in the classroom relevant to my scholars. I have gained so many more strategies from this book club and not just from the book. I truly appreciate all of the discussions, comments, ideas and resources from the members of this book club. I cannot wait to see what book club takes place next summer!

    Charlene Long-Trix Academy

  22. I've had a wonderful time participating in my first PLA Summer Book Club.This is a good read and a resource that I will add to my bookshelf to refer back to from time to time. Also,I not only gleaned new strategies from reading the book, but from those that shared their knowledge and experience as well.I am looking forward to sharing this information with my fellow teachers!

    1. Carissa Gangi - Foster ElementaryJuly 26, 2019 at 11:52 AM


      I completely agree with you that a huge portion of the learning from this book club came from reading other educators' opinions and take-aways from each module. It really helps to see many different points of view! :)

      Carissa Gangi - Foster Elementary

  23. This book has definitely opened my eyes to strategies that I didn't even think about. It has given me some insight on the things I should be doing in class and how I can carry these strategies out. I can say that after reading this book it has given me many tools that I plan on implementing in my thinking and also in my classroom. This is a great read and wish I would have had a book like this when I was in college on my way to becoming a teacher.
    Jennifer Edwards - Thea Bowman Leadership Academy Elementary

  24. What I liked about this module was that I looked at strengths and weaknesses. We were asked to create a plan to help us with our weaknesses and I was able to see a lot of different ideas that could use in my classroom. I am going to try the “Say Something” strategy, where students build on a topic and add to it. That way I know that my students understand what they are learning and are able to retain it for future use. I also want to make sure that I review the learning intentions with my students so they know the what and why of what is being taught

    Rosemary Graf
    Foster Elementary

  25. I enjoyed reading this book this summer. I learned some new strategies that I can implement in the classroom. I will keep this book to refer back to from time to time. I will make sure that my students know what they are learning, why they learning it and how it can relate to them. Thank you. S. Duff PLA@103

  26. This book is a great reminder of all the elements that are necessary for intentional instruction and for learning to happen. I will keep this book with me as I plan instruction and also for solutions when things seem to go wrong. It is so important that we are intentional with our learning outcomes and that students understand that they are responsible for their own learning. This book has everything a teachers needs to help her/his students be successful. Thank you!

    1. Sharron Cruz, Sheehy ElementaryJuly 27, 2019 at 3:40 PM

      Candace, I love how you used the word "intentional" throughout your post. I think being intentional is the key understanding we take away from this book. The book really hones in on the decisions we make as educators everyday and helps us to be intentional.

      Sharron Cruz, Sheehy Elem.

  27. Carissa Gangi - Foster ElementaryJuly 26, 2019 at 11:50 AM

    Carissa Gangi - Foster Elementary

    This book has helped me to grow as an educator. It brought to light things I never thought about before. There have been many take-aways, and new strategies/thinking processes that I will implement in my planning and teaching. My favorite part of this module was when it said, ' is also unacceptable to blame students for not learning." This is so important. Many of us may from time to time get frustrated with a student because we think we're doing "everything we can" to teach a standard, but he or she may still not be fully grasping it. It's important to make sure not to blame the child, or show the frustrations. He or she may simply need another way of learning the content - something I plan to use is to have other students explain in their own words what I had been trying to teach. Learning from peers is so extraordinary to see in the classroom, and sometimes a child just needs to hear something in a different way.

    I have really enjoyed learning with you all this summer! Good luck on the upcoming school year! :)

    Carissa Gangi - Foster Elementary

  28. Module 9
    This book really challenged me to think deeply about teaching and lesson planning in different way. As an educator my goal is for my students to be proficient and life-long learners. This text to provides new possibilities to analyze when you are planning lessons.
    Planning with intention is a must. When planning lessons I will consciously think about Concepts/Nouns and Skills/Verbs. I wii closely analyze and identify the Learning Progressions. This was a very important Takeaway for me since Learning Progressions provides a path that will lead to the learning goal for the students,
    From the learning progression I will design assessments. Analyzing the Learning Progression motivated me to think out of the box.
    The Module 8 chapter really motivated me. This chapter focused on experiences that will provide students with access to the content. As educators we strive to unlock that meaning in our lessons. The strategies were intentional,
    Yes, i’ve used the strategies but I want to be more intentional . Seeing that light bulb go off in our students’ heads serves two purposes. The students are happy and feel successful and we as educators feel successful,
    I believe that light bulb will go off frequently in my students heads if I consistently employ these strategies on this book.
    I have enjoyed this book study!
    Angela Posey @ Phalen Academy 103

    1. Mrs. Posey, thank you for your comments. The one word that stands out as I read your blog was "INTENTIONAL." This is one term that I plan on keeping at the front of my thinking and learning as I seek to keep children first.

      Mackcine Jordan@PLA103

    2. Mrs. Posey, you are an example to follow, always an educator and a life long learner. I love your summary and layout of your takeaway, collaborating with other educators has been as enriching as the book itself.

  29. Ms. Duff,
    Yes, I agree this book has been very motivating for me and I am committed to implementing the strategies that were introduced on a continuous basis.
    Angela Posey@Phalen Academy 103

  30. I think many of us initially looked at each standard as a singular thing that we needed to teach. We knew there were certain prerequisite steps students might need to get to that standard but we never sat and planned for those things. This book has given me a clear way to break down the standards and plan out the steps for teaching each standard. The push is always to hurry up and get through everything before testing but education as a whole needs to stop and understand that this will never get our students to mastery. Breaking down the standards and intentionally planning each lesson, even though it may take longer to get to the actual standard, is what will get our students where they need to be. I think this will also be helpful in planning small group intervention because we will have looked at the things that students need to understand to master whatever standard they are working on. This was a great read and something that will be within arms reach as we begin to plan for the year.

    Tammy Ahern- Thea Bowman Leadership Academy Elementary Campus

  31. Sharron Cruz, Sheehy ElementaryJuly 27, 2019 at 3:48 PM

    This book study was an ongoing source of reflection to me as I went through this summer. It served as a backdrop to the various content trainings I took this summer. The book helped me frame my thinking as I learned new ways to engage students in the content areas. I particularly liked how it made me slow down and think about all of the components of my planning. This year I know it will impact my planning and my instruction in a positive way for my students. As for Module 9, The piece that stood out to me was the relevance check for assessments. Too often we just give assessments because we are supposed to. I intend to do relevance checks on assessments I give and to modify where I can to make the assessment more relevant to my students.

    Sharron Cruz, Sheehy Elementary

  32. Mackcine Jordan@PLA 103

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading, studying, and blogging with fellow educators. This reading allowed me to return to best practices for students. As I continue to make children-first through the educational process, this book will be right there with me holding a special place on my desk and in my heart.

    Mackcine Jordan@PLA103

  33. For me, this book was a reminder that teaching and learning is a process. Although as teachers we often take creative license(that’s putting it nicely), when it comes to instruction there are really no short cuts and each step is critical to student success. While planning for this years course, I am keeping in mind that every lesson must serve the main objectives and I’ve made it a point to break down learning goals carefully so that students have time to process what they are learning at each step. When we are in the classroom it’s easy to feel like we have to rush through in order to meet goals(or at least I do), but I think by taking what I’ve learned this summer, if and when I do feel that way I’ll reinforce “It’s a process.”

    I want my students to be independent learners, however, working the modules made me realize that there has to be a balance and I have to make sure that I have properly guided them before allowing them to take over.

    1. Micha Olivier - FosterJuly 28, 2019 at 10:07 AM

      I love the points you made above and what you said. This is a great reflection that sums up this books impact on the learner very well!

  34. Ashley Samuel (PLA@Smith)July 27, 2019 at 9:04 PM

    I enjoyed this book study; I was able to reflect upon areas where I need to improve in my teaching an implement strategies that focus on students becoming independent learners and thinkers'

  35. Micha Olivier - Foster ElemJuly 28, 2019 at 10:03 AM

    I really enjoyed reading and learning new planning concepts from this book. Having taught for many years, it was exciting to see new ways to approach lesson planning in a way that enhances the instruction. I'm looking forward to implementing many of the concepts with my team this year!

    1. I am so excited to bring this new knowledge to our planning sessions. I think this will be a great way to boost engagement and academic success in our students.

  36. Sarah Darriba Foster ElementaryJuly 28, 2019 at 12:16 PM

    I really enjoyed this book. I look forward to working with my team this year and taking lesson planning to the next level for our students. I think this book helped set us up for exciting and engaging lessons that will engage our students.

    1. Amanda Fitzpatrick - Foster ElementaryJuly 28, 2019 at 12:54 PM

      I think using this book to help with lesson planning is a great way to be more intentional in our instruction!

  37. Amanda Fitzpatrick - Foster ElementaryJuly 28, 2019 at 12:52 PM

    This book was really helpful with preparing me for the next school year. I am going into my second year of teaching but it will be my first at an achievement school. I plan to use the strategies I learned about to better improve my instruction and help my students SOAR!

    1. Hi Amanda,
      I am also going into my second year of teaching and I feel better prepared to help students succeed after doing this book study this summer.

      Tiffany Sanchez
      Sheehy Elementary

  38. This book was a great resource to help me refresh and apply new ideas and strategies to my lesson plans for this year. I look forward in including the learned skills, so I can improve and be a better teacher. Also, the benefit is really for my students, so they can learn the objectives and move forward.

  39. As I go into my 2nd year of teaching, this book has been a real eye-opener in several ways. At times, I felt I was trying to survive my first year of teaching. This book has made me realize the areas I can improve in, especially so my students can understand why they are learning what they are learning and helping me to really look at the standards and the concepts and skills I really need to cover to ensure their success. It has been very helpful in giving me ideas and strategies to implement as I continue to move forward and grow as a teacher.

    Tiffany Sanchez
    Sheehy Elementary

  40. I have definitely seen a change in my skills after reading this book. When going to look at my curriculum and seeing the standards, I was able to look at them in a different way and really break them down. I also noticed how I was going to make the learning intentions relevant and easy to access for my students.

    Molly Hiatt
    PLA 103
